When a Siege-playing friend or acquaintance of mine finds out that I also play Siege and have a slightly-above-average rank of Gold 1(ish) when playing regularly, half of the time I get asked for tips to improve. Advice about angles is one of the recurring tips I give, and I believe that it’s something that’s fairly intuitive to apply in-game once you understand the concept.
Fixing Error Code [2-0x0000c015] in Rainbow Six Siege (PC)
According to Ubisoft, the steps below may also help for error codes 6-0x00001000 and 2-0x0000D0012.
Critically important before you proceed is that I can’t give you a guarantee that these steps will solve your problem for you, just that they’ve helped some people. These steps are also meant for Windows (i.e. PC), but I’ve heard that you can access similar settings on PS4 and Xbox One.

Continue reading “Fixing Error Code [2-0x0000c015] in Rainbow Six Siege (PC)”
Rainbow Six Siege: Using Steam Free Weekend Game Files on Uplay

Perhaps, like me, you decided to try out Rainbow Six Siege on Steam during a free weekend.
Perhaps you found that you liked the game.
Perhaps at the end of the Free Weekend you purchased the game outside of Steam, using your new key to activate the game on Uplay.
Perhaps Uplay asked you to re-download ~35GB of game files, refusing to use your existing game files from Steam (error validating files).
Perhaps you think that that’s silly, and would like a way to not have to download everything again.
You’re in luck.
Continue reading “Rainbow Six Siege: Using Steam Free Weekend Game Files on Uplay”