After looking around online, nobody quite seems to know exactlyhowCaravanswork.1 People agree that Caravans generate Wealth, but even how they do it doesn’t seem to be universally understood, much less how the amount generated is calculated.
Well, since nobody else seems to have tested to figure it out how all of it works, I did. Here’s how Caravans work, in detail.
The appearance of Caravans vary nation-to-nation and also change with Ages. In the late game, Caravans become trucks, although this has no bearing on their durability, speed, or income.
This is written for Wargame: AirLand Battle (ALB), and doesn’t factor in changes made in Wargame: Red Dragon.
The sentiment among some Wargame players seems to be that this class of units is useless, or at least pointless to actually use. The argument goes something like this:
They’re outclassed against tanks by their dedicated anti-tank counterparts.
They’re outclassed against infantry by stronger standard infantry or Special Forces.
While both of of these points are true, some experimentation has still found an excellent home for these jack-of-all-trade infantry squads in my decks.
US Light Riflemen and East German Leighte Schutzen are two of the handful of Light Infantry units available in Wargame: AirLand Battle.