Michael’s Gaming PC v2

In December of 2016 I helped Michael put together a build I dubbed The Silent Whisper: a high-end gaming PC that had SPCR-level acoustics.

Towards the end of 2022, Michael was looking to upgrade the entire system, so I put on my PC building hat once more and gave him a hand.

If we wanted the best photo we would’ve taken this from the other side of the table for more natural light.

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PC/NAS Upgrade: OS Reinstall, 71TB of Storage, and Setting up an Unraid NAS

Also known as the part where we fix all of the storage and storage-related things.

  • Primary storage: 1TB SATA SSD -> 2TB NVMe SSD
  • Secondary storage (data): 2x3TB -> 4+1x4TB parity array
  • Secondary storage (backup): 2x3TB -> NAS
  • NAS: doesn’t -> exists
  • OS: fucked -> not
The 68TB money shot: all the NAS and non-NAS drives (plus my spare testing SSD). Not shown are the other 3TBs in the “71TB” title: a new NVMe drive (2TB) and my old SATA SSD (1TB).

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Fight Control and the Backbone of an Army

Knowing how fights are started and controlled is an invaluable but often poorly understood part of RoN’s combat.

Stemming from the above you end up with a broad category of units that can be considered the “backbone” of an army because they must exist for an army to be able to negotiate control of fights.

Crossbowmen are a classic backbone unit due to their good fight control. Image credit: Morelanuensis

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